王敏, 邹晶梅, 周忠和

A taxonomical revision of the Confuciusornithiformes (Aves: Pygostylia)
WANG Min, Jingmai O’CONNOR, ZHOU Zhong-He
Fig. 1 Skull of Confuciusornis sanctus in comparison with those of C. dui and other Early Cretaceous birds
A, C. photograph (A) and line drawing (C) of Confuciusornis sanctus IVPP V 13168 with a separate drawing of the maxilla (right), showing the halberd-shaped dorsal process of the maxilla (considered an autapomorphy here); B. C. sanctus V 13171 with line drawing of the maxilla; D. drawing of C. dui with a separate drawing of the maxilla (modified from Hou et al., 1999); E. Jeholornis sp. V 14978 (Aves, non-Pygostylia); F. Pterygornis dapingfangensis V 16363 (Aves, Enantiornithes). The arrowheads in B denote the rostral notches of the premaxillary and mandibular symphyses. The arrow in B indicates the ventral process of the surangular (considered an autapomorphy here). Scale bars = 10 mm; C, D not to scale