王敏, 邹晶梅, 周忠和

A taxonomical revision of the Confuciusornithiformes (Aves: Pygostylia)
WANG Min, Jingmai O’CONNOR, ZHOU Zhong-He
Fig. 10 Skeletal anatomy of the holotype of Eoconfuciusornis zhengi, IVPP V 11977
A. overview; B, C. photograph (B) and line drawing (C) of the skull; D. furcula (dorsal view) and proximal part of right humerus (cranial view). The arrowhead in C indicates that the surangular bears a ventral process as in C. sanctus. The arrow in C shows that the dorsal process of the maxilla is craniocaudally compressed Scale bars = 10 mm (A, B, D); line drawing (C) is not to scale