王敏, 邹晶梅, 周忠和

A taxonomical revision of the Confuciusornithiformes (Aves: Pygostylia)
WANG Min, Jingmai O’CONNOR, ZHOU Zhong-He
Fig. 13 Detail anatomy of Confuciusornis sanctus [= 'Confuciusornis feducciai'], DNHM D2454, showing that it is morphologically identical to C. sanctus
A. right humerus in cranial view showing the ridge on the proximal part of the cranial surface of the deltopectoral crest (arrow); B. proximal left humerus in cranial view showing the perforated deltopectoral crest; C. dorsal view of metacarpals; D. dorsal view of metatarsals The arrows in D denote the dorsal tubercles on metatarsals II and III. Scale bars = 10 mm