王敏, 邹晶梅, 周忠和

A taxonomical revision of the Confuciusornithiformes (Aves: Pygostylia)
WANG Min, Jingmai O’CONNOR, ZHOU Zhong-He
Fig. 6 Pectoral girdle of Changchengornis hengdaoziensis in comparison with Confuciusornis sanctus
A. pectoral girdle of Ch. hengdaoziensis in dorsal view; B. line drawing of the furcula (left) and caudal end of the sternum (right) of Ch. hengdaoziensis, showing that the dorsal surface is excavated by a dorsal furrow as in C. sanctus; C. furcula of C. sanctus IVPP V 11521 in dorsal view with drawing of the cross section Scale bars = 10 mm (A, C); line drawings (B, C) are not to scale