王敏, 邹晶梅, 周忠和

A taxonomical revision of the Confuciusornithiformes (Aves: Pygostylia)
WANG Min, Jingmai O’CONNOR, ZHOU Zhong-He
Fig. 7 Skeleton and anatomy of Confuciusornis sanctus [= 'Jinzhouornis yixianensis'], IVPP V 14412
A. overview; B. skull in oblique right lateral view; C. proximal left humerus showing the ridge on the cranial surface (arrow), as in C. sanctus; D. lower legs in dorsal view, exhibiting the presences of an extensor retinaculum on distal tibiotarsus (arrowhead), and the proximal ends of metatarsals II and III (arrows), as in C. sanctus. Scale bars = 10 mm