周亚纯, 舒柯文, 张福成

Negligible effect of tooth reduction on body mass in Mesozoic birds
ZHOU Ya-Chun, Corwin SULLIVAN, ZHANG Fu-Cheng
Table 1 Fossil birds and dentition (both sides) measured in this study
Taxa Specimens Premaxillary teeth Maxillary teeth Dentary teeth
Archaeopteryx London specimen1) 1 3 0
Berlin specimen1) 4 2 2
Jeholornis IVPP V 13274 0 0 3
IVPP V 14978 0 1 0
Sapeornis IVPP V 13275 3 1 0
IVPP V 13276 4 4 0
Longipteryx IVPP V 12325 1 0 1
Longirostravis IVPP V 11309 4 0 5
Pengornis IVPP V 15336 1 2 1
Cathayornis IVPP V 9769 3 0 2
Eoenantiornis IVPP V 10533 4 0 0
Longusunguis IVPP V 17964 3 1 10
Parabohaiornis IVPP V 18691 3 4 6
Bohaiornis IVPP V 17963 4 2 6
Yanornis IVPP V 12558 2 3 4
Tianyuornis STM 7-53 0 1 1