周亚纯, 舒柯文, 张福成

Negligible effect of tooth reduction on body mass in Mesozoic birds
ZHOU Ya-Chun, Corwin SULLIVAN, ZHANG Fu-Cheng
Fig. 1 Linear measurements applied to bird and crocodilian teeth in this study
A. isolated left premaxillary tooth of Archaeopteryx lithographica (London specimen; modified from Wellnhofer, 2009); B. isolated posterior tooth of Crocodylus siamensis (IVPP uncatalogued specimen). Dotted line: measurement line, solid line: indication line Abbreviations: CH. crown height; FABL. fore-aft base length; FACL. fore-aft crown length; FARL. fore-aft root length; TH. tooth height. Scale bars = 1 mm