王世骐, 李春晓, 张晓晓, 江左其杲, 叶捷, 李录, 李福昌

A record of the early Protanancus and Stephanocemas from the north of the Junggar Basin, and its implication for the Chinese Shanwangian
WANG Shi-Qi, LI Chun-Xiao, ZHANG Xiao-Xiao, JIANGZUO Qi-Gao, YE Jie, LI Lu, LI Fu-Chang
Fig. 3 Terminology and measurements of gomphotheriid cheek tooth and lagomerycine antler
A. terminology of the gomphotheriid cheek tooth, the sketch is based on a left M2 of Sinomastodon praeintermedius; B, C. occlusal (B) and height (C) measurements of the gomphotheriid cheek tooth; D. terminology of the lagomerycine antler (in ventral view), the sketch is based on a right antler of Stephanocemas aff. S. thomsoni; E, F. ventral (E) and lateral (F) measurements of the lagomerycine antler Abbreviations: DapP. anteroposterior diameter of the palm portion; DapS. anteroposterior diameter of the shedding scar; DmaxTa, DmaxTl, and DmaxTp. maximal diameter of the anterior, lateral, and posterior tines; DminTa, DminTl, and DminTp. minimal diameter of the anterior, lateral, and posterior tines; DmlP. mediolateral diameter of the palm portion; DmlS. mediolateral diameter of the shedding scar; H. hight; HP. height of the palm portion; Hpo. height at the posttrite side; Hpr. height at the pretrite side; L. length; W. width; W1, 2, and 3. width of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd loph