王世骐, 李春晓, 张晓晓, 江左其杲, 叶捷, 李录, 李福昌

A record of the early Protanancus and Stephanocemas from the north of the Junggar Basin, and its implication for the Chinese Shanwangian
WANG Shi-Qi, LI Chun-Xiao, ZHANG Xiao-Xiao, JIANGZUO Qi-Gao, YE Jie, LI Lu, LI Fu-Chang
Fig. 5 Bivariate plots of measurements for some gomphotheriid M2 (A) and some lagomerycine antlers (B)
Data source: Protanancus tobieni, after Wang et al., 2015; P. macinnesi, after Tassy, 1986; P. chinjiensis, after Tassy, 1983; cf. Protanancus (Bulgaria), after Markov and Vergiev, 2010; Platybelodon danovi, after Borissiak, 1929; Pl. tongxinensis, after Ye and Jia, 1986; Pl. grangeri and Platybelodon sp. (Tunggur), after Wang et al., 2013; Gomphotherium annectens, after Tassy, 1994; G. inopinatum, after Borissiak and Belyaeva, 1928; G. angustidens, after Tassy, 2014; G. wimani, after Yang et al., 2017; Stephanocemas guangheensis, after Deng et al., 2014; S. chinghaiensis, after Bohlin, 1937; S. thomsoni (Tunggur), after Colbert, 1936; S. aff. S. thomsoni (Halamagai Formation, Junggar Basin), after Ye, 1989; S. palmatus (Qaidam Basin), after Wang et al., 2009; S. cf. S. palmatus (Tongxin), after Wang et al., 2016; Paradicrocerus eleguntulus, after Stehlin, 1937; Lagomeryx ruetimeyeri, a cast of the lectotype in NMB; La. parvulus, after R?ssner, 2010; Ligeromeryx triacuminatus, after Colbert, 1936; Li. praestans, after Stehlin, 1937; Azanza and Ginsburg, 1997; Ligeromeryx sp. (Halamagai Formation, Junggar Basin), after Ye, 1989; “La.complicidens (Lantian), after Young, 1964; “La.manai (Mae Moh), after Suraprasit et al., 2014