王世骐, 李春晓, 张晓晓, 江左其杲, 叶捷, 李录, 李福昌

A record of the early Protanancus and Stephanocemas from the north of the Junggar Basin, and its implication for the Chinese Shanwangian
WANG Shi-Qi, LI Chun-Xiao, ZHANG Xiao-Xiao, JIANGZUO Qi-Gao, YE Jie, LI Lu, LI Fu-Chang
Fig. 6 Antlers of Stephanocemas sp. from the top of the Suosuoquan Formation, Chibaerwoyi East Section, Junggar Basin
A-D. left antler (IVPP V 25231.1), in dorsal (A), lateral (B), medial (C), and ventral (D) views; E, F. broken tine (V 25231.2), in dorsal (E) and ventral views (F); G-I. histology of the left antler (V 25231.1), showing the bone tissue of internal (G), the shedding scar (H), and the outer surface (I) of the palm The micrographs were taken by a Leica MC170 HD microscope, with the positions indicated by the red frame