侯素宽, 邓涛

A new species of Kubanochoerus (Suidae, Artiodactyla) from the Linxia Basin, Gansu Province, China
HOU Su-Kuan, DENG Tao
Table 1 Measurements and comparison of cranium of Kubanochoerus parvus sp. nov. (HMV 1985) from the Linxia Basin, and some other kubanochoere species (mm)
K. parvus sp. nov.
HMV 1985
K. gigas K. massai
Gebel Zelten
(Arambourg, 1963)
IVPP V 8501
(Qiu et al., 1988)
N 33
Belometchetskia (Gabunia, 1960)
Premaxillae-M3 287.9 402 385 300
Premaxillae-posterior border of palate >330 490 451 312
Width of palate at C ~80
Width of palate at P1 53 69 69.6 42
Width of palate at M3 43 59.5 73.9 42
Width of cranium at P2 73 90 92 60
Width of cranium at M3 ~166 215 ~292 174
Height of cranium at P2 103 96.7 81
Height of cranium at M1 122.1 ~120 117
Height of cranium at M3 139
P1-M3 237 235 205
P1-P4 121 120.5 102
P2-P4 67.9 85.3 90 70.5
M1-M3 91.2 119 112 102
I3-C diastema 21.5 30 30 ~12
P1-P2 diastema 21 15.5 21.5 ~9