卢静, GavinYOUNG, 胡雨致, 乔妥, 朱敏

The posterior cranial portion of the earliest known tetrapodomorph Tungsenia paradoxa and the early evolution of tetrapodomorph endocrania
LU Jing, Gavin YOUNG, HU Yu-Zhi, QIAO Tuo, ZHU Min
Fig. 5 Comparisons of rhipidistian neurocrania in ventral view
A. Youngolepis (after Chang, 1982); B. Gogonasus andrewsae (after Long et al., 1997); C. Tungsenia paradoxa; D. Eusthenopteron foordi (after Jarvik, 1980) Abbreviations: art.eth. ethmoid articulation for the palatoquadrate; c.hyp. canal for buccohypophysial duct; c.ju. jugular canal; cr.pend. crista suspendens; f.c.i. foramen for the internal carotid artery; fe.exa. fenestra exonarina anterior; fe.v. fenestra ventralis; gr.a.ci. groove for the internal carotid artery; gr.a.dm. groove for median dorsal aorta; hf.d. dorsal hyomandibular facet; hf.v. ventral hyomandibular facet; ins.bcm. insertion area for the basicranial muscle; P. parasphenoid; sp. space; te.o. orbital tectum For other abbreviations, see Figs. 1 and 2. Not to scale