秦子川, 赵祺, 徐星

Metatarsal II osteohistology of Xixianykus zhangi (Theropoda: Alvarezsauria) and its implications for the development of the arctometatarsalian pes
QIN Zi-Chuan, ZHAO Qi, XU Xing
Fig. 2 Microphotograph of the ground section I of metatarsal II of Xixianykus zhangi (XMDFEC V 0011) under normal light
A. whole cross section under the normal light (red dots, primary canals; blue lines, radial canals; green line, endosteal bone boundary); B. the medial portion of the slice is dominated by longitudinal canals (two LAGs are indicated by two red arrows); C. a radial canal lies across the two LAGs (indicated by a red arrow)