新疆塔里木盆地志留纪盔甲鱼类新知 |
刘玉海, 朱敏, 林翔鸿, 卢立伍, 盖志琨 |
A reappraisal of the Silurian galeaspids (stem-Gnathostomata) from Tarim Basin, Xinjiang |
LIU Yu-Hai, ZHU Min, LIN Xiang-Hong, LU Li-Wu, GAI Zhi-Kun |
图4 潘氏小瘤鱼化石照片及其解释性素描 |
Fig. 4 Photographs of Microphymaspis pani and their interpretative drawings A. photograph of an incomplete head-shield (A1) and its interpretive drawing (A2), IVPP V 13332, holotpye;B. photograph of an incomplete head-shield (B1) and its interpretive drawing (B2), IVPP V 13333, paratype Abbreviations: ldc. lateral dorsal canal 侧背管;ltc. lateral transverse canal 侧横管;md.o. median dorsal opening 中背孔;mtc. medial transverse canal 中横联络管;orb. orbital opening 眶孔 |
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