刘玉海, 朱敏, 林翔鸿, 卢立伍, 盖志琨

A reappraisal of the Silurian galeaspids (stem-Gnathostomata) from Tarim Basin, Xinjiang
LIU Yu-Hai, ZHU Min, LIN Xiang-Hong, LU Li-Wu, GAI Zhi-Kun
图5 残缺角鱼(新属新种,正型标本GMC V 2195) (A)和让氏昭通鱼(IVPP V 25965) (B)化石照片
Fig. 5 Photographs of Jiaoyu imperfectus gen. et sp. nov., holotype, GMC V 2195 (A) and Zhaotongaspis janvieri, IVPP V 25965 (B)
Abbreviations: c. corner 角;ltc. lateral transverse canals 侧横管;vr. ventral rim 腹环