陕西府谷晚中新世巨鬣狗(Dinocrocuta gigantea)(食肉目:鬣狗科)颅基部形态研究

Basicranial morphology of Late Miocene Dinocrocuta gigantea (Carnivora: Hyaenidae) from Fugu, Shaanxi
Fig. 10 Axial section of left auditory region slightly dorsal to the external acoustic meatus
A. Dinocrocuta gigantea IVPP V 15649; B. Crocuta crocuta IVPP OV 232, anterior to top, lateral to right
Abbreviations: cc. cochlear canaliculus; cca. condyloid canal at its posteroventral end; ci. crista interfenestralis; cof. cochlear fossula; fc. the third part of the facial canal near the foramen stylomastoideum primitivum;mc1. mastoid canaliculus at its segment dorsal to the middle constriced part of the posterior chamber;mc2. mastoid canaliculus at its distal end before joining the facial canal;ret. rostral entotympanic near its dorsal apex. Other abbreviations see Figs. 8, 9. Scale bars = 1 cm