陕西府谷晚中新世巨鬣狗(Dinocrocuta gigantea)(食肉目:鬣狗科)颅基部形态研究

Basicranial morphology of Late Miocene Dinocrocuta gigantea (Carnivora: Hyaenidae) from Fugu, Shaanxi
Fig. 9 Coronal section of left auditory region across the external acoustic meatus at the anterior part of the epitympanic recess
A. Dinocrocuta gigantea IVPP V 15649;B. Proteles cristatus IVPP OV 197
Abbreviations: coc. cochlea; erm. medial depression in the epitympanic recess roofed by the tegmen tympani; hif. hiatus Fallopii at its proximal end from cavum supracochleare; hts. hypotympanic sinus in the anterior chamber; ips. inferior petrosal sinus sulcus; mtu. meatal tubercle; rtp. rostral tympanic process of petrosal;ttl. lateral end of tegmen tympani pressing into the squamosal. Other abbreviations see Figs. 6, 8
Scale bars = 1 cm