张蜀康, 谢俊芳, 金幸生, 杜天明, 黄美燕

New type of dinosaur eggs from Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, China and a revision of Dongyangoolithus nanmaensis
ZHANG Shu-Kang, XIE Jun-Fang, JIN Xing-Sheng, DU Tian-Ming, HUANG Mei-Yan
Table 1 Comparison of Dongyangoolithidae, Spheroolithidae, Stalicoolithidae and Megaloolithidae
Oofamily Egg size
Eggshell thickness (mm) Ornamentation In the outer part of eggshell
Arrangement of
eggshell units
Shape of pores
Dongyangoolithidae1) (66-100)×
2.8-3.7 Smooth with branched clefts Forming eggshell unit assemblages Round
Spheroolithidae2) (74-99)×
1.5-5.7 Smooth or tiny nodes separated from each other Fusing extensively Irregularly shaped
Stalicoolithidae3) (93.6-125)×
2.3-4.0 Smooth or tiny nodes separated from each other Fusing extensively Round
Megaloolithidae4) 120-230 1.12-4.80 Round nodes packed together Packed together with clear boundaries Round