张蜀康, 谢俊芳, 金幸生, 杜天明, 黄美燕

New type of dinosaur eggs from Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, China and a revision of Dongyangoolithus nanmaensis
ZHANG Shu-Kang, XIE Jun-Fang, JIN Xing-Sheng, DU Tian-Ming, HUANG Mei-Yan
Fig. 2 Holotype of Multifissoolithus chianensis oogen. et oosp. nov. (ZMNH M 30057)
A. an incomplete clutch, red and black arrows indicate egg impressions and an incomplete egg respectively;B. the outer surface of an egg in the ZMNH M 30057 clutch, showing roughly paralleled and wavy clefts