张蜀康, 谢俊芳, 金幸生, 杜天明, 黄美燕

New type of dinosaur eggs from Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, China and a revision of Dongyangoolithus nanmaensis
ZHANG Shu-Kang, XIE Jun-Fang, JIN Xing-Sheng, DU Tian-Ming, HUANG Mei-Yan
Fig. 4 Eggshell microstructures of tangential sections of Multifissoolithus chianensis oogen. et oosp. nov. (ZMNH M30057, holotype)
A, B. tangential sections near the outer surface (A) and through the outer part (B) of eggshell, showing the wavy and branched clefts between eggshell unit assemblages, with arrows indicating pores;C, D. tangential sections through the inner part (C) and near the inner surface (D) of eggshell, showing isolated eggshell units with triangular cunei. Scale bars equal 400 μm in A and B and 200 μm in C and D