邹晶梅, 福雅曼, 王敏, 郑晓廷

First report of immature feathers in juvenile enantiornithines from the Early Cretaceous Jehol avifauna
Jingmai K. O’CONNOR, Amanda FALK, WANG Min, ZHENG Xiao-Ting
Fig. 5 Juvenile enantiornithine IVPP V 15564 preserving probable immature feathers
A. slab A; B. left forelimb (enlarged from boxed region indicated in A);C. boxed region in B enlarged to show detail of the immature feathers on the proximal humerus;D. possible late stage developing tail feathers (boxed region indicated in A) under laser-stimulated fluorescence
Abbreviations: rm. remige; other abbreviations see Figs. 1, 4. Scale bar = 1 cm