symphyseal length | | 338.41 |
alveolar distance (from the most salient point of the retromolar trigonum to the symphyseal border of the corpus) | | 424.1 |
ventral length measured from the gonion (angulus mandibular) to the tip of the symphysis | | 965 |
width of corpus measured at the root of the ramus | | 148.52 |
width of corpus measured at the anterioralveolus (or the grinding tooth if the alveolus is entirely resorbed) | | 62.01 |
anterior symphyseal width | | 113.75 |
maximum symphyseal width in the anterior part of the symphysis | | 118.09 |
minimum symphyseal width in the posterior part of the symphysis | | 69.88×2 |
maximum width of rostral trough in the anterior part of the symphysis | | 80.17 |
minimum width of rostral trough in the posterior part of the symphysis | | 82.76 |
rostral height measured at the symphyseal border (measurement taken perpendicular to the ventral border of the symphyseal rostrum) | | 146.84 |
rostral height measured at the tip of rostrum (measurement as above) | | 70.13 |
maximum mandibular height measured at the condyle perpendicular to the ventral border of the corpus | | 467.97 |
maximum depth of ramus | | 317.14 |
depth between gonion and coronoid processes | | 364.98 |
height between gonion and condyle | | 329.08 |
mid-alveolar length measured on the buccal side between the anterior alveolus (or grinding tooth if the alveolus is resorbed) and the root of the ramus | | 321.73 |
exposed length of mandibular tusk | left | 134.25 |
| right | 131.5 |
width of mandibular tusk at the alveolu | left | 38.26 |
| right | 39.74 |
height of mandibular tusk at the alveolus | left | 45.60 |
| right | 47.32 |
length of wear facet of mandibular tusk | left | 35.33 |
| right | 48.31 |