戈壁锯齿象(Serridentinus gobiensis Osborn & Granger, 1932)和同心中新乳齿象(Miomastodon tongxinensis Chen, 1978)再研究:关于粗壮型轭齿象(Zygolophodon)的讨论
王世骐, 张晓晓, 李春晓

Reappraisal of Serridentinus gobiensis Osborn & Granger and Miomastodon tongxinensis Chen: the validity of Miomastodon
WANG Shi-Qi, ZHANG Xiao-Xiao, LI Chun-Xiao
Table 1 Mandibular and tusk measurements of Miomastodon gobiensis* (mm)
maximum length 1190
symphyseal length 338.41
alveolar distance (from the most salient point of the retromolar trigonum to the symphyseal border of the corpus) 424.1
ventral length measured from the gonion (angulus mandibular) to the tip of the symphysis 965
width of corpus measured at the root of the ramus 148.52
width of corpus measured at the anterioralveolus (or the grinding tooth if the alveolus is entirely resorbed) 62.01
anterior symphyseal width 113.75
maximum symphyseal width in the anterior part of the symphysis 118.09
minimum symphyseal width in the posterior part of the symphysis 69.88×2
maximum width of rostral trough in the anterior part of the symphysis 80.17
minimum width of rostral trough in the posterior part of the symphysis 82.76
rostral height measured at the symphyseal border (measurement taken perpendicular to the ventral border of the symphyseal rostrum) 146.84
rostral height measured at the tip of rostrum (measurement as above) 70.13
maximum mandibular height measured at the condyle perpendicular to the ventral border of the corpus 467.97
maximum depth of ramus 317.14
depth between gonion and coronoid processes 364.98
height between gonion and condyle 329.08
mid-alveolar length measured on the buccal side between the anterior alveolus (or grinding tooth if the alveolus is resorbed) and the root of the ramus 321.73
exposed length of mandibular tusk left 134.25
right 131.5
width of mandibular tusk at the alveolu left 38.26
right 39.74
height of mandibular tusk at the alveolus left 45.60
right 47.32
length of wear facet of mandibular tusk left 35.33
right 48.31