王伴月, 邱占祥

New Hystrix (Hystricidae, Rodentia) from the Neogene of Linxia Basin, Gansu, China
WANG Ban-Yue, QIU Zhan-Xiang
Fig. 2 Skull of Hystrix brevirostra sp. nov. (HMV 2002, holotype) from Linxia Basin, Gansu
A. dorsal view; B. left view; C. occlusal viewAbbreviations of bones: Bo. basioccipital; Bs. basisphenoid; F. frontal; Ip. interparietal; J. Jugal; L. lacrimal; M. maxilla; N. nasal; Oc. occipital; P. parietal; Pl. palatine; Pm. premaxilla; Pt. pterygoid; Sq. squamosal Abbreviations of foramina and other structures: aafi. anterior alar fissure; ab. auditory bulla; ascp. posterior foramen of alisphenoid canal; bf. buccinator foramen; bfp. posterior foramen of buccinator nerve canal; dtf. deep temporal foramen; dtfp. posterior foramen of deep temporal nerve canal; eam. external auditory meatus; epp. external pterygoid process; etf. ethmoidal foramen; fo. foramen ovale; glf. glenoid fossa; hyf. hypoglossal foramen; inf. incisive foramen; iof. infraorbital foramen; ipmf. interpremaxilla foramen; ipp. internal pterygoid process; juf. jugular foramen; lt. lacrimal tubercle; mf. masticatory foramen; mfp. posterior foramen of the masseteric nerve canal; mlf. middle lacerate foramen; mptf. mesopterygoid fossa; msp. mastoid process; nc. nuchal crest; occ. occipital condyle; opf. optic foramen; pc. parietal crest; pmp. paramastoid process; pp. postorbital process; ppf. posterior palatine foramen; prf. premolar foramen; ptf. pterygoid fossa; sc. sagittal crest; spf. sphenopalatine foramen; styf. stylomastoid foramen