王伴月, 邱占祥

New Hystrix (Hystricidae, Rodentia) from the Neogene of Linxia Basin, Gansu, China
WANG Ban-Yue, QIU Zhan-Xiang
Fig. 3 Skulls of Hystrix brevirostra sp. nov. from Linxia Basin, Gansu
A. IVPP V 26033: A1. ventral view, A2. posterior view;B. HMV 2004: B1. occlusal view of left and right upper cheek teeth, B2. ventral view of skull Abbreviations: eoc. external occipital crest; fm. foramen magnum; loc. lateral occipital crest; nc. nuchal crest; occ. occipital condyle; pmp. paramastoid process. Scales: $ - A1, A2, B2; # - B1