王伴月, 邱占祥

New Hystrix (Hystricidae, Rodentia) from the Neogene of Linxia Basin, Gansu, China
WANG Ban-Yue, QIU Zhan-Xiang
Fig. 4 Mandibles of Hystrix brevirostra sp. nov. from Linxia Basin, Gansu
A-B. right (A) and left (B) mandibles of HMV 2002 (holotype) in occlusal views;C-D. right (C) and left (D) mandibles of HMV 2003 (paratype): C, D1. occlusal view, D2. buccal view Abbreviations: ap. angular process; cdp. condyloid process; crp. coronoid process; iptf. internal pterygoid fovea; mdf. mandibular foramen; mr. masseteric ridge; msf. masseteric fossa; mtf. mental foramen