蔡家琛, 赵文金, 朱敏

Subdivision and age of the Silurian fish-bearing Kuanti Formation in Qujing, Yunnan Province
CAI Jia-Chen, ZHAO Wen-Jin, ZHU Min
图1 曲靖周边上铁路-东坡志留系关底组实测剖面及剖面位置
Legends: 1. 砾岩 conglomerate; 2. 细砂岩 fine sandstone; 3. 粉砂岩 siltstone; 4. 含砾泥质粉砂岩conglomerate-bearing argillaceous siltstone; 5. 页岩 shale; 6. 粉砂质页岩 silty shale; 7. 泥岩 mudstone;8. 粉砂质泥岩 silty mudstone; 9. 钙质粉砂质泥岩 calcareous silty mudstone; 10. 薄层灰岩 thin-bedded limestone; 11. 泥质灰岩 argillaceous limestone; 12. 瘤状灰岩 nodular limestone; 13. 泥灰岩 marlite;14. 透镜体 lens; 15. 无脊椎动物化石 invertebrate fossils; 16. 鱼化石 fossil fishes; 17. 叠层石 stromatolite;18. 遗迹化石 trace fossils; 19. 逆断层 reverse fault
Fig. 1 The measured Shangtielu-Dongpo Section (A) of the Silurian Kuanti Formation around Qujing and its locality (B)