蔡家琛, 赵文金, 朱敏

Subdivision and age of the Silurian fish-bearing Kuanti Formation in Qujing, Yunnan Province
CAI Jia-Chen, ZHAO Wen-Jin, ZHU Min
图4 滇东关底组地质时代的代表性归属方案
Illustrations: ③+⑤=关底组+妙高组下部 Kuanti Formation (Fm) + the lower part of Miaokao Fm (Ting and Wang, 1937; 王成源,2013; 戎嘉余等,1990, 2019);②+④+⑤=岳家山组+关底组+妙高组下部 Yuejiashan Fm + Kuanti Fm + the lower part of Miaokao Fm (方润森等,1985; 潘江,1986; 林宝玉等,1998, 2017)
Fig. 4 The representative schemes of geological age of the Kuanti Formation in East Yunnan