新疆迟滞鳄类新材料 |
刘俊 |
New chroniosuchian materials from Xinjiang, China |
LIU Jun |
Fig. 3 Bystrowianid specimen (IVPP V 26540) from the Guodikeng Formation in Turpan, Xinjiang A-B. four continuous vertebrae in ventral (A) and right lateral (B) views; C-D. isolated vertebra in anterior (C) and posterior (D) views; E. an incomplete rib; F-G. the impression of dorsal surface of three osteoderms (F) and two osteoderms (G) Abbreviations: dp. diapophysis; ic. intercentrum; ns. neural spine; pc. pleurocentrum; pnc. paraneural canal; poz. postzygapophysis; pp. parapophysis; prz. prezygapophysis; tp. transverse process; vp. ventral process of osteoderm; vr. ventral ridge |