内蒙古乌兰塔塔尔地区早渐新世梳趾鼠类头骨新材料 |
徐冉成, 李茜 |
New skulls of ctenodactyloids from the Early Oligocene of Ulantatal, Nei Mongol, China |
XU Ran-Cheng, LI Qian |
Fig. 8 Mandibles of Bounomys ulantatalensis from the Ulantatal Formation of Ulantatal area, Alxa Left Banner, Nei Mongol A. IVPP V 26128 in occlusal view; B. the right mandible of V 26128 in labial view; C. the right mandible of V 26126 in lingual view Abbreviations: an. angular process 角突; cop. condyloid process 髁突; cor. coronoid process 冠状突; i2. lower second incisor 下第二门齿; lptf. lateral pterygoid fossa 翼外肌窝; mac. masseteric crest 咬肌嵴; maf. masseteric fossa 咬肌窝; manf. mandibular foramen 下颌孔; mf. mental foramen 颏孔; mptf. medial pterygoid fossa 翼内肌窝; nf. nutricium foramina 滋养孔; p4. lower fourth premolar下第四前臼齿 |