徐冉成, 李茜

New skulls of ctenodactyloids from the Early Oligocene of Ulantatal, Nei Mongol, China
XU Ran-Cheng, LI Qian
Fig. 10 Occlusal view of cheek teeth of Bounomys ulantatalensis from the Ulantatal Formation of Ulantatal area, Alxa Left Banner, Nei Mongol
A-D. IVPP V 26125: A. right M1-M3; B. left P4-M3; C. left p4-m3; D. right m1-m3;
E-H. V 26126: E. right P4-M3; F. left P4-M3; G. left p4-m3; H. right p4-m3;
I-L. V 26127: I. right P4-M3; J. left P4-M3; K. left p4-m3; L. right p4-m3;
M-P. V 26128: M. right P4-M3; N. left P4-M3; O. left p4-m3; P. right p4-m3