徐冉成, 李茜

New skulls of ctenodactyloids from the Early Oligocene of Ulantatal, Nei Mongol, China
XU Ran-Cheng, LI Qian
Fig. 2 Skull of Bounomys ulantatalensis (IVPP V 26128) from the Ulantatal Formation of Ulantatal area, Alxa Left Banner, Nei Mongol in dorsal (A, B) and ventral (C, D) views
Abbreviations: as. alisphenoid 翼蝶骨; bo. basioccipital 基枕骨; bs. basisphenoid 基蝶骨;
eac. external acoustic canal 外耳道; ec. ectotympanic 外鼓骨; eo. exoccipital 外枕骨; eoc. external occipital crest 枕外嵴; ere. epitympanic recess eminence 鼓上隐窝隆起; fm. foramen magnum 枕骨大孔;
fr. frontal 额骨; fsa. foramen for stapedial artery 镫骨动脉孔; hf. hypoglossal foramen 舌下神经孔;
I2. upper second incisor 上第二门齿; ica. foramen for internal carotid artery 颈内动脉孔; inf. incisive foramen 门齿孔; iof. infraorbital foramen 眶下孔; ip. interparietal 间顶骨; ips. foramen for inferior petrosal sinus 岩下窦沟孔; jf. jugular foramen 颈静脉孔; ju. jugal 颧骨; lac. lacrimal 泪骨; me. mastoid exposure 岩骨乳突暴露部; mipf. minor palatine foramen 小腭孔; mpf. major palatine foramen 大腭孔; msf. masticatory foramen 咬肌神经孔; mx. maxilla 上颌骨; na. nasal 鼻骨; nc. nuchal crest 项嵴; oc. occipital condyle 枕髁; pa. parietal 顶骨; pal. palatine 腭骨; pcp. paracondylar process 髁旁突; pmx. premaxilla 前颌骨;
pop. postorbital process 眶后突; ps. presphenoid 前蝶骨; pt. pterygoid 翼骨; ptf. pterygoid fossa 翼窝;
spv. sphenopalatine vacuity 蝶腭空缺; sq. squamosal 鳞骨, su. supraoccipital 上枕骨; tc. temporal crest 颞嵴