内蒙古乌兰塔塔尔地区早渐新世梳趾鼠类头骨新材料 |
徐冉成, 李茜 |
New skulls of ctenodactyloids from the Early Oligocene of Ulantatal, Nei Mongol, China |
XU Ran-Cheng, LI Qian |
Fig. 7 3D-reconstruction of the ossicles of Bounomys ulantatalensis from the Ulantatal Formation of Ulantatal area, Alxa Left Banner, Nei Mongol A. IVPP V 26128, lateral view of left malleus and incus in articular with the head of malleus forward; B. V 26127, posterolateral view of left malleus and anterolateral view of left incus Abbreviations: cb. crus breve 砧骨短脚; cl. crus longum 砧骨长脚; h. head of malleus 锤骨头; i. incus砧骨; lp. lateral process of malleus 锤骨侧突; ma. malleus 锤骨; mn. manubrium 锤骨柄; n. neck of malleus 锤骨颈 |