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张立民1,2,3, 董为1,2, 倪喜军1,2,3,*(), 李强1,2,3,*()
Late Miocene micromammalian assemblage of Tuchengzi and its biochronological position in Neogene faunal sequence in central Nei Mongol, China
ZHANG Li-Min1,2,3, DONG Wei1,2, NI Xi-Jun1,2,3,*(), LI Qiang1,2,3,*()

Fig. 2. Humeri and mandible of ?Yanshuella primaeva from Tuchengzi, Huade
A. IVPP V 26813.3, right distal of humerus; B. V 26813.2, left humerus; C. V 26813.1, right mandible with p3 and m1-3. A1 and B1, A2 and B2, A3 and B3 are in posterior, distal and anterior views, respectively; C1, C2, C3 are in buccal, lingual and occlusal views, respectively. Scale bars equal 1 mm
