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孙吉嘉1,2,3, 张贝1,2,3, 陈曦4, 邓里5, 文军5, 同号文1,2,3,*()
New fossils of Late Pleistocene Sus scrofa from Yangjiawan Cave 2, Jiangxi, China
SUN Ji-Jia1,2,3, ZHANG Bei1,2,3, CHEN Xi4, DENG Li5, WEN Jun5, TONG Hao-Wen1,2,3,*()

Fig. 5. Scatter plots of length versus width of the third molars of Sus xiaozhu and S. peii from Liucheng Gigantopithecus Cave and S. scrofa from Yangjiawan Cave 2
A. M3; B. m3. The data of S. xiaozhu and S. peii are from Han, 1975
