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孙吉嘉1,2,3, 张贝1,2,3, 陈曦4, 邓里5, 文军5, 同号文1,2,3,*()
New fossils of Late Pleistocene Sus scrofa from Yangjiawan Cave 2, Jiangxi, China
SUN Ji-Jia1,2,3, ZHANG Bei1,2,3, CHEN Xi4, DENG Li5, WEN Jun5, TONG Hao-Wen1,2,3,*()

Fig. 6. Scatter plots of length versus width and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) of selected teeth of Sus scrofa from Yangjiawan Cave 2
A, B. total length versus lobe’s width of M3 (A) and m3 (B); C. linear discriminant analysis of the third molars: the data points of M3 separate into two distinct clusters, which probably represent females (a) and males (b) respectively, the dots of m3 also form two distinct groups, which probably represent females (c) and males (d) respectively; D. total length versus width of M2 and m2 L/Wa. total length versus first lobe’s width; L/Wb. total length versus second lobe’s width; L/Wc. total length versus third lobe’s width
