安晓青, 张兆群

Climate change and evolution of early lagomorphs (Mammalia): a study perspective based on new materials of Ordolagus from Nei Mongol (northern China)
Fig. 4 Camera lucida drawings of teeth of Ordolagus from Nei Mongol, China
A-J. Ordolagus teilhardi: A. right p3-m3, IVPP V 26012.1; B. left p3-p4, V 26012.2; C. left p3-m1, V 26015.1-3; D. left p3-m1, V 26013.1; E. right p3-p4+m2-m3, V 26013.2; F. right p3-m2, V 26014; G1. right p3-m2, V 26017; G2. detail of p3 in lateral lingual view, V 26017; G3. detail of m2 in lateral lingual view, V 26017; H. left p3, V 26075.2; I. right p3, V 26075.3; J. detail of p3-p4 of left lower jaw, V 26075.1; K-M. Ordolagus MDC_1: K. left p3-m2, V 6268.13; L1. left p3-p4, V 26019.1, V 26019.2; L2. left p3 in lateral labial view, V 26019.1; M. right p3-p4, V 26018.1; N-V. Ordolagus MDC_2: N. right dp3, V 26022.2; O. left dp4, V 26022.3; P. right p3, V 26021.1; Q1. right p3-m2, V 6268.1; Q2. detail of p3 in lateral labial view, V 6268.1; R. left p3, V 26023.1; S. right p3, V 26024.1; T. right p3, V 26021.2; U. left p3, V 26020; V. left p3-m1, V 26022.1. Occlusal surfaces drawn parallel to the observer