川渝地区“Proboselaphus watasei Matsumoto, 1915” 的分类学修订
西冈佑一郎, 甲能直树, 工藤雄一郎

Taxonomic revision of the holotype of Proboselaphus watasei Matsumoto, 1915 (Bovidae, Artiodactyla) from Chuanyu area, China
NISHIOKA Yuichiro, KOHNO Naoki, KUDO Yuichiro
Fig. 4 Size range of the molar antero-posterior lengths of ‘ Proboselaphus watasei’, livingCervus unicolor,Cervuscf. C. unicolor and C. yunnanensis from Longgudong
Measurements of C. yunnanensis are referred from Chen (2004),and those of the other species are obtained by the present authors (Appendices 1 and 2)