亚洲最古老鸽子(Columbidae)物种有效性再检验:北京周口店早更新世丛氏原鸽(Columba congi) |
沈韦, Thomas A. STIDHAM, 李志恒 |
Reexamination of the oldest pigeon (Aves: Columbidae) from Asia: Columba congi from the Early Pleistocene of Zhoukoudian, Beijing, China |
SHEN Wei, Thomas A. STIDHAM, LI Zhi-Heng |
Fig. 1 Comparative images of the humerus of the extinct Columba congi (A-H) and Columba livia (I, J) A, B. proximal end of left humerus of IVPP V 6436.1 in cranial (A) and caudal (B) views; C-H. distal end of right humerus of C. congi in cranial (C, E, G) and caudal (D, F, H) views: C, D. IVPP V 6436.2; E, F. V 6436.3; G, H. V 6436.4; I, J. left humerus of IVPP OV 1363 in cranial (I) and caudal (J) views Abbreviations: bc. bicipital crest; ci. capital incisure; dc. dorsal condyle; dpc. deltopectoral crest; dst. dorsal supracondylar tubercle; dt. dorsal tubercle; fp. flexor process; h. humeral head; of. olecranon fossa; pf. pneumotricipital fossa; tg. transverse ligamental groove; vc. ventral condyle; vst. ventral supracondylar tubercle; vt. ventral tubercle. Scale bar = 10 mm |
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