古脊椎动物学报 ›› 1994, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (04): 258-266.
• 古脊椎动物学报 • 上一篇 下一篇
Hou Lianhai
摘要: 本文记述了在内蒙鄂托克旗查布苏木地区下白垩统伊金霍洛组中发现的一新的原始鸟类:成吉思汗鄂托克鸟(Otogornis genghisi gen. et sp. nov.)材料包括保存相当好的一对肩带、一对肱骨、前肢骨和少量羽毛印痕。特征与迄今报道的中国其它中生代鸟类不同:长骨骨壁特别原始,不是充气骨骼;肱骨近端没有气窝、远端鹰咀窝很浅等。
Abstract: A new fossil bird (Otogornis genghisi gen. et sp. nov.) is introduced on the basis of the description of the pectoral girdle and wing bones of a skeleton from Lower Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia, China. The specimen was collected by a field team of the Sino-Canadian Dinosaur Expedition. It was preserved in the grey -green mudstones of the Yijinhuoluo Formation in Otogqi. This bird represents the earliest records of avian fossil in China.
侯连海. 内蒙晚中生代鸟类及鸟类飞行进化. 古脊椎动物学报, 1994, 32(04): 258-266.
Hou Lianhai. A LATE MESOZOIC BIRD FROM INNER MONGOLIA. Vertebrata Palasiatica, 1994, 32(04): 258-266.
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