
古脊椎动物学报 ›› 1996, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (01): 18-26.

• 古脊椎动物学报 • 上一篇    下一篇


张云翔, 薛祥煦   

  • 出版日期:1996-03-15 发布日期:1996-03-15


Zhang Yunxiang, Xue Xiangxu   

  • Published:1996-03-15 Online:1996-03-15

摘要: 陕西府谷老高川发现的Dinocrocuta gigantea。化石是月前我国该属最完整、最丰富的材料,包括头骨、上下颌、牙齿及一些肢骨。Dinocrocuta gigantea是一类头骨相当粗笨的食肉动物,但肢骨除个体大小与现代鬣狗的不同外,各部比例彼此相当,头部特化无疑是其进化过程中的适应表现。该属的地质时代,多数研究者认为是Vallesian期的典型种类,但府谷老高川含化石层占地磁年代初步测定表明,该层的绝对年龄在7—8百万年之间,这是一个值得注意的问题。

Abstract: Dinocrocuta gigantea was erected by M. Schlosser in 1903. Since then, there were very few materials of Dinocrocuta gigantea to be found, and most of them unknown provenances. In 1986, a large quantity of Hipparion fauna fossils were yeilded in Laogaochuan, Fugu County, Shaanxi Province, among which, there are some materials of Dinocrocuta gigantea, including a complete skull, an anterior part of skull with all teeth, broken lower jaws, 10 isolate teeth, humerus and proximal part of ulna of same individual, femur etc. The skull is very big and robust, exceptionally short and width in property. The roof ascends like a flight of steps. Occipital is triangle in form and upper bor der extends posteriorly, projected over the occipital. The anterior part of upper premolar is wider than that of posterior one. The protocone of P 4 is very small. Length of Ml is longer than that of P 4 . Its limbs were discovered for first time in China. It is shown after studying that its skull is exceptionally robust but its limbs do not indicate any robust. Compared with the Hyaena sinensis, the skull of Dinocrocuta gigantea is 1.6 times wider and 1.2 times longer than that of H. sinensis, but humerus of Dinocrocuta gigantea is 1.02 times wider and 1.06 times longer than that of H. sinensis. As its geological age, most of researchers considered that Dinocrocuta gigantea was big hyaenid in Vallesian, but in Fugu it was found with a lot elements of Turolian Hipparion fauna. Preliminary paleomagnetic determination shows that the deposits contains Dinocrocuta gigantea in Fugu might be 7-8 Ma B. P.