
古脊椎动物学报 ›› 1996, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (01): 41-57.

• 古脊椎动物学报 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:1996-03-15 发布日期:1996-03-15

SOME REMARKS ON CHENJIAWO FAUNA — On the First Appearance of Peking Man Fauna

Xu Qinqi   

  • Published:1996-03-15 Online:1996-03-15

摘要: 陈家窝动物群的层位是L5—S9。在L5的上部或S4/L5的交界处,东亚曾发生过一次十分重要的生物进化事件(“变异仓鼠最低层位”事件),它相当于北京猿人及其动物群的首次出现,它也相当于欧美的Event 9。在北欧,它发生在Saale冰期的晚期,距今约50万年。陈家窝动物群的地质时代为距今50—100万年。考虑到固体地球、气圈、水圈、生物圈之间复杂的藕合关系,建议将离石黄土上下部的界限上移至S4/L5的交界处。

Abstract: The Chenjiawo fauna includes two stratigraphically distinct groups of mammalian fossils, 14 species of mammals and 4 stratigraphic horizons. They are L5, L6, S6 and L8— S9, representing a wide temporal distribution. The first appearance of Peking Man fauna can be correlated with Event 9 in America and Europe (Repenning, 1987 ) and is marked by the lowest stratigraphic occurrence of Cricetinus varians (LSD ). In northern Europe, Event 9 is believed to have taken place near the end of the Saale glaciation about 500 000 years ago (Bonifay, 1990 Therefore the geological age of the Chenjiawo fauna is between 500 000-1000 000 years B. P. , corresponding to oxygen isotope Stages 14-23. Through the correlation between the solid earth, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere, the boundary between the Upper and Lower Lishi Formation should be moved to the S4/L5 boundary.