
古脊椎动物学报 ›› 2005, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (03): 194-207.

• 古脊椎动物学报 • 上一篇    下一篇


邱铸鼎,  阎翠玲   

  • 出版日期:2005-09-15 发布日期:2005-09-15


QIU Zhuding, YAN CuiLing   

  • Published:2005-09-15 Online:2005-09-15

摘要: 我国新近纪的经典化石地点山东山旺, 硅藻土层巨厚,动、植物化石保存精美,迄今发现的哺乳动物化石已有23种(Deng et a1., 2003)。由于含化石层不适宜进行水筛洗,所采集到的小哺乳动物只有6种,其中食虫目一种(Lusorex taishanensis Storch et Qiu,2004)、翼手目一种(Shanwangia unexpectula Young,1977)、啮齿目4种(Diatomys shantungensis Li,1974;Ansomys shanwangensis Qiu

Abstract: Three forms of Sciuridae, Tamiops asiaticus (Qiu, 1981) , Sciurus lii sp. nov. , and Oriensciurus linquensis gen. et sp. nov. are described from the early-middle Miocene Shanwang Formation at Linqu , Shandong Province. Comparisons of Tamiop asiaticus with Meinia asiatica Qiu, 1981 suggest that neither the size nor the morphology of the bodies and dentition allows the two genera to be distinguished. genus name Meinia Qiu, 1981 is therefore considered a junior synonym of Tamiops Allen, 1906. S . lii is one of the earliest records for the genus Sciurus. Some isolated teeth from the early Miocene locality Sihong, previously referred to Shuanggouia lui show similarities to S . lii and are assigred to the genus Sciurus in this paper. Redetermination of Shuanggouia argues convincingly for its assignment to Sciurinae rather than Petauristinae. Oriensciurus linquensis exhibits some charactas similar to Sciurus in the upper cheek teeth , and to Spermophilinus in the lower ones. The overall dental features, however, group the new genus with tree squirrels. ffhe Shanwang fossil sciurid association highly suggests the Shanwang area was a forest biotope during the Miocene, and indicates an obviously "Transitional Zone" between the modern Oriental Region and the Palearctic Region .