
古脊椎动物学报 ›› 2015, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (3): 238-244.

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始新世海鸟基辅鸟(Kievornis Averianov et al., 1990)新材料及其亲缘关系的重新评估

Evgeniy ZVONOK , Gerald MAYR , Leonid GOROBETS   

  • 出版日期:2015-09-15 发布日期:2015-09-15

New material of the Eocene marine bird Kievornis Averianovet al., 1990 and a reassessment of the affinities of this taxon  

Evgeniy ZVONOK ,  Gerald MAYR,  Leonid GOROBETS    

  • Published:2015-09-15 Online:2015-09-15

摘要: 描述了始新世基辅鸟类新标本。研究表明基辅鸟类生活在特提斯海中始新世早路特期至早巴顿期,分布范围至少包括乌克兰东部的伊克夫到中部的基辅地区。暂时将基辅鸟归入鹱形目。虽然基辅鸟具有一些鹱形目的典型特征,但缺少鹱形目的衍生特征,或许代表了近祖状态。

Abstract: New specimens of Eocene bird Kievornis Averianov et al., 1990 are described. It is shown that this taxon existed in the Middle Eocene of the Tethys Sea, from the early Lutetian to the early Bartonian, and in an area spanning at least from Kiev in central Ukraine to Ikovo in the eastern part of the country. We tentatively refer Kievornis to the Procellariiformes. However, although the taxon exhibits features characteristic of the Procellariiformes, it also, and perhaps plesiomorphically, lacks some derived features of these birds.