
古脊椎动物学报 ›› 2016, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (1): 36-50.

• 古脊椎动物学报 • 上一篇    下一篇


吴文裕,孟  津,叶  捷,倪喜军,毕顺东   

  • 出版日期:2016-03-15 发布日期:2016-03-15

Restudy of the Late Oligocene dormice from northernJunggar Basin 

WU Wen-Yu, MENG Jin, YE Jie, NI Xi-Jun, BI Shun-Dong   

  • Published:2016-03-15 Online:2016-03-15

摘要: 周氏似日本睡鼠Gliruloides zhoui是发现于新疆准噶尔盆地北缘晚渐新世铁尔斯哈巴合哺乳动物组合I带的一个化石新属种。新属似日本睡鼠Gliruloides的属征为:中等大小;颊齿咀嚼面凹;上、下颊齿通常具9条主要横脊,有时具次级附脊;上颊齿的前边附脊和后边附脊以及下颊齿的下前边附脊和下后边附脊都很发育,几乎占据了其所在齿谷的整个长度。上颊齿的横脊唇端趋于游离。M1和M2具V形或窄U形三角座,内脊不完整或近于完整,前中央脊不与内脊相连。下颊齿的下内脊通常不连续;下臼齿的下前边脊在唇端稍向后弯,但不与原尖相连。p4, m1-m3, P4, M1-M3的齿根数分别为2, 2, 3, 3。新属与Glirulus在形态上相似,但Glirulus的上颊齿的三角座均为宽U型,具有完整的内脊,前中央脊通常与内脊相交,横脊唇端通常不游离。新属与Vasseuromys属的最主要形态差异在于上颊齿具有很发育的前边附脊和后边附脊,而后者上颊齿的前边附脊和后边附脊通常缺失或很不发育。归入该属的种还有土耳其早中新世的Vasseuromysduplex和Vasseuromys aff. V. duplex。土耳其Thrace早渐新世的Glis guerbuezi很可能是Gliruloides和Glirulus的共同祖先类型。Gliruloides可能生活于温湿的生态环境。 

Abstract: A new glirid genus and species, Gliruloides zhoui, is named based on specimens from the Late Oligocene Tieersihabahe Mammal Assemblage Zone I (Tie-I zone) of the northern Junggar Basin, Xinjiang. The new genus is diagnosed by the following features: middle-sized dormouse; occlusal surface of cheek teeth concave; upper and lower cheek teeth dominantly with nine transverse ridges; the anterotrope(id) and posterotrope(id) well developed and extending almost full length of corresponding valleys; transverse ridges of upper cheek teeth usually free-ended labially;M1/2 with V- or narrow U-shaped trigon; the precentroloph not connected to the endoloph that is incomplete or nearly complete; the endolophid in lower cheek teeth discontinuous or continuous; labial end of the anterolophid curving slightly distally but not connected with the protoconid; root number of p4, m1-3, P4 and M1-3 being 2, 2, 3 and 3 respectively. We discuss the differences of Gliruloidesfrom Glirulus and Vasseuromys and assign the Anatolian Vasseuromysduplex and Vasseuromys aff. V. duplex from the Early Miocene of Turkey to Gliruloides. It is posited that Gliruloides and Glirulus may share a common ancestor similar to Glis guerbuezi from the Lower Oligocene of Thrace, Turkey. Gliruloides might live in a relative wet and warm biotope.