古脊椎动物学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (4): 267-282.DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.1000-3118.200624
新鳍鱼类是辐鳍鱼亚纲中最大的现生类群,中三叠世卢加诺鱼科则是新鳍鱼类干群中的一支,具有特化的头骨和特别高的侧腹鳞片。自1939年命名以来,卢加诺鱼科仅以瑞士东部和南部、意大利北部和西班牙东南部中三叠世海相地层安尼期/拉丁期界线附近发现的瓷鳞卢加诺鱼(Luganoia lepidosteoides)为唯一代表。根据贵州兴义中三叠世晚期(拉丁期)海相地层发现的一块较完整的精美鱼化石,命名了卢加诺鱼属一新种,祥瑞卢加诺鱼(Luganoia fortuna sp. nov.)。新种代表了卢加诺鱼科在亚洲的首次出现,表明此科的生物地理分布比之前认识的要大很多。基于新种与模式种的比较研究,修订了卢加诺鱼属的鉴定特征,揭示了该属过去一些未注意到的解剖学特征,例如存在一对眶前骨,缺少板片状的方颧骨,背鳍基部具有一狭长的裸露身体区域;臀鳍很小,与尾鳍的距离比与腹鳍更近;后匙骨缺失。此外,详细列举了中国新种与欧洲模式种的形态差异,研究结果为了解卢加诺鱼属的形态多样性提供了重要信息。
徐光辉. 贵州中三叠世兴义生物群卢加诺鱼属(卢加诺鱼科,新鳍鱼类)一新种. 古脊椎动物学报, 2020, 58(4): 267-282.
XU Guang-Hui. A new species of Luganoia (Luganoiidae, Neopterygii) from the Middle Triassic Xingyi Biota, Guizhou, China. Vertebrata Palasiatica, 2020, 58(4): 267-282.
Fig. 1 Holotype of Luganoia fortuna sp. nov., IVPP V 25693 A. original specimen; B. specimen dusted with ammonium chloride; C. line-drawing Abbreviations: af. anal fin; bf. basal fulcrum; df. dorsal fin; pr. principal ray of caudal fin; ptf. pectoral fin;pvf. pelvic fin; rp. proximal radial of dorsal fin; rr. rudimentary ray
Fig. 2 Skull and pectoral girdle of Luganoia fortuna sp. nov., IVPP V 25693 A. photograph, dusted with ammonium chloride; B. line-drawingAbbreviations: ao. antorbital; cl. cleithrum; den. dentary; dh. dermohyal; dsp. dermosphenotic; fr. frontal; ju. jugal; la-mx. lacrimo-maxilla; les. lateral extrascapular; mes. median extrascapular; na. nasal; op. opercle; pa-dpt. parieto-dermopterotic; par. prearticular; pas. parasphenoid; pl. pit-line; pop. preopercle; pt. posttemporal; r-pm. rostro-premaxillae; sc. scale; scl. supracleithrum; so. suborbital; sop. subopercle; su. supraorbital
Fig. 3 Selected micro-computed scanning slices of cranial bones of Luganoia fortuna sp. nov., IVPP V 25693 Abbreviations: ao. antorbital; apl. anterior pit-line; br. branchiostegal ray; hm. hyomandibula; ioc. infraorbital canal in lacrimo-maxilla; md. mandibula; mdc. mandibular canal; mpl. middle pit-line; poc. preopercular canal; ppl. posterior pit-line; scc. supratemporal commissural canal; soc. supraorbital canal in frontal; stc. supratemporal canal
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