古脊椎动物学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (4): 249-270.DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.2096-9899.220524
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SHANG Qing-Hua(), LI Chun, WANG Wei
根据产自云南罗平中三叠统关岭组II段的一件海生爬行动物骨架,建立和描述了始鳍龙类幻龙科幻龙属的一个新种——罗平幻龙(Nothosaurus luopingensis sp. nov.)。该骨架包括完整的与上下颌紧密咬合的头骨和不太完整的头后骨骼,头后部分包括全部的颈椎、大部分背椎,前两个尾椎以及大部分的肩带、腰带骨骼以及四肢骨骼。新标本具有长而扁的头骨,颞孔较大,顶孔相对靠后,上颌骨发育獠齿型齿,上枕骨封闭并呈水平展布,这些特征指示该骨架属于鳍龙类的幻龙类。而头骨上颌齿列的后伸超过上颞孔前缘的水平位置,上颞孔的长度是眼眶长的两倍多等特征指示它具有更多的幻龙属(Nothosaurus)近裔共性。与欧龙属(Lariosaurus)相对比,新标本的肩带和四肢结构也具有幻龙属特征,如:锁骨前外侧角显著扩张,弯曲的肱骨前缘具有平直的轴前角,肱骨有明显的三角胸嵴,手部不具有多指节现象,脊椎无肿骨现象等。另一方面,该骨架的头后骨骼也显示一些之前曾主要发现于欧龙属的头后骨骼特征,如:骨化的腕骨数目超过3枚,具四节或更多的荐椎,间锁骨后缘平直、不发育后突。这些头后骨骼特征已经不能再用来区别欧龙属和幻龙属。罗平幻龙以下面这些衍生特征与其他幻龙属种区别,包括:轭骨前部进入眼眶,两鼻骨分离,额骨后端分叉,第IV、V趾长且长度相等,爪趾骨显著膨大。系统发育分析支持新种属于Nothosaurus, 它和羊圈幻龙(N. yangjuanensis)互为姊妹群,同时Nothosaurus是单系类群。
尚庆华, 李淳, 王维. 云南罗平中三叠世安尼期鳍龙类Nothosaurus一新种. 古脊椎动物学报, 2022, 60(4): 249-270.
SHANG Qing-Hua, LI Chun, WANG Wei. Nothosaurus luopingensis sp. nov. (Sauropterygia) from the Anisian, Middle Triassic of Luoping, Yunnan Province, China. Vertebrata Palasiatica, 2022, 60(4): 249-270.
Fig. 1 Photograph of the holotype of Nothosaurus luopingensis sp. nov. (IVPP V 24895) (A), and photograph and line drawing of the skull in dorsal view (B) Zigzag lines indicate a broken surface Abbreviations: a. angular; art. articular; bo. basioccipital; cqp. cranio-quadrate passage; d. dentary;ec. ectopterygoid; eo. exoccipital; f. frontal; j. jugal; m. maxilla; n. nasal; op. opisthotic; p. parietal;pf. prefrontal; pl. palatine; pm. premaxilla; po. postorbital; pof. postfrontal; pt. pterygoid;ptf. post temporal fenestra; q. quadrate; sa. surangular; so. supraoccipital; sq. squamosal
Fig. 2 Nothosaurus luopingensis sp. nov. (IVPP V 24895), pectoral girdles with posterior cervical and anterior dorsal vertebrae (A) and pelvic girdle with sacral and two preserved causal vertebrae (B) in ventral views Abbreviations: ac. acetabular facet; cl. clavicle; co. coracoid; co.f. coracoid foramen; ic. interclavicle; il. ilium; is. ischium; pap. postacetabular process; pu. pubis; r21, 23. rib 21st, 23rd; sc. scapula; sc.dp. scapular dorso-caudal process; sr1, 4. sacral rib 1, 4
Fig. 3 Limbs of Nothosaurus luopingensis sp. nov. (IVPP V 24895) A. the right forelimb in ventral view; B. the right hindlimb in dorsal view Abbreviations: as. astragalus; ca. calcaneum; dc2, 4. distal capal 2, 4; dpc. deltopectoral crest;dt3+4. distal tarsal 3+4; ecg. ectepicondylar groove; enf. entepicondylar foramen; f. femur; fi. fibula;h. huerus; im. intermedium; pes. preaxial edge of the shaft; ra. radius; ti. tibia; ul. ulna; uln. ulnare;u.p. ungula phalange; I to V. metacarpals or metatarsals I to V
Fig. 4 Strict consensus trees based on the three analyses of the study depicting the phylogenetic relationships within the Nothosauridae A. result of the analysis including Lariosaurus sanxiaensis, tree length = 267, consistency index (CI) = 0.3221, retention index (RI) = 0.3987; B. result of the second analysis excluding L. sanxiaensis, Tree length = 230, CI = 0.3652, RI = 0.5084; C. result of the analysis excluding L. sanxiaensis, but including Brevicaudosaurus, Tree length = 242, CI = 0.3471, RI = 0.4920
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