古脊椎动物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 62 ›› Issue (3): 186-200.DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.2096-9899.240529CSTR: 32090.14.j.cnki.2096-9899.240529
* liujun@ivpp.ac.cn摘要:
吐鲁番兽( Turfanodon )是一类生活在二叠纪晚期的二齿兽类,曾广泛分布在新疆至华北一带。目前该属下建立有两个种——博格达种( T. bogdaensis )与九峰种( T. jiufengensis )。两个种都具有相对完整的头骨材料,但只有九峰种报道了下颌及头后骨骼材料。一批产自新疆吐鲁番地区,可以归入到博格达吐鲁番兽的新材料,具有一系列可以明显区别于九峰种的特征,包括头骨的鼻吻部侧面平坦,下颌齿骨侧架成肿突状,以及股骨头为近半球状。吐鲁番兽属的鉴别特征也有更新,包括眼框周缘平坦,两条翼骨前支上的嵴向后汇聚,以及一个可能的自有衍征:肩胛骨上参与塑造乌喙孔的凹缺很大。吐鲁番兽腭部的中嵴两侧发育有副嵴,这一特征区别于除肌龙兽( Myosaurus )、掘铁兽( Kembawacela )和水龙兽( Lystrosaurus )外的其他二齿兽类。
石雨泰, 刘俊. 博格达吐鲁番兽(二齿兽类)的骨骼学. 古脊椎动物学报, 2024, 62(3): 186-200.
SHI Yu-Tai, LIU Jun. Osteology of Turfanodon bogdaensis (Dicynodontia). Vertebrata Palasiatica, 2024, 62(3): 186-200.
Fig. 1 Turfanodon bogdaensis (IVPP V31402) from the Guodikeng Formation, Turpan, Xinjiang Photos and drawings of skull in dorsal (A, B), ventral (C, D) and lateral (E, F) views Abbreviations: apr. anterior palatal ridge; ar. accessory ridge; BO. basioccipital; bt. basal tuber; EC. ectopterygoid; EP. epipterygoid; F. frontal; ic. internal carotid canal; ipv. interpterygoid vacuity; J. jugal; L. lacrimal; la. lacrimal fossa; lf. labial fossa; M. maxilla; mpr. median palatal ridge; N. nasal; P. parietal; PBS. parabasisphenoid; PE. periotic; PF. prefrontal; PL. palatine; pla. pila antotica; PM. premaxilla; PO. postorbital; POF. postfrontal; PP. postparietal; PR. preparietal; PT. pterygoid; Q. quadrate; QJ. quadratojugal; SM. septomaxilla; smc. sphenethmoid complex; SO. supraoccipital; SQ. squamosal; t. tusk; V. vomer. Scale bars equal 5 cm
Fig. 2 The skulls and humerus of Turfanodon and the humerus of Lystrosaurus A, B. the skulls of T. bogdaensis , IVPP V31402 (A) and T. jiufengensis , V26035 (B) in dorsal view, the arrows indicate the difference of snout region; C, D. comparison of left humerus of T. bogdaensis , V31402 (C) and mirrored right humerus of Lystrosaurus (D) in proximal view, the arrow indicates a bulge which is strongly developed in T. bogdaensis , it is the insertion of the M. supracoracoideus (supraspinatus); E. the holotype (V3241) of T. bogdaensis in ventral view, the arrow indicates the trace of the keel of anterior pterygoid ramus
Fig. 3 Turfanodon bogdaensis (IVPP V31402) from the Guodikeng Formation, Turpan, Xinjiang Mandible photos and drawings in left lateral (A, B), dorsolateral (C, D), dorsal (E) and anterior (F) views; the arrow heads indicate the median and lateral ridges Abbreviations: AN. angular; AR. articular; DE. dentary; dt. dentary table; lds. lateral dentary shelf; mf. mandibular fenestra; pds. posterior dentary sulcus; PR. prearticular; SA. surangular; SP. Splenial Scale bars equal 5 cm
Fig. 4 Turfanodon bogdaensis from the Guodikeng Formation, Turpan, Xinjiang A–F. IVPP V31402, axis and the third cervical in left lateral (A) and dorsal (B) views, four dorsal vertebrae (C, D), three (1st–3rd) sacral vertebrae (E), and two caudal vertebrae (F) in left lateral views; G–H. V31403, three dorsal vertebrae (G) in dorsal view and three (3rd–5th) sacral vertebrae (H) in left lateral view; I, J. unidentified vertebrae (I) and ribs (J). Abbreviations: b. boss; od. odontoid
Fig. 5 Turfanodon bogdaensis (IVPP V31402) from the Guodikeng Formation, Turpan, Xinjiang A, B. left pectoral girdle in lateral (A) and medial (B) views; C, D. right procoracoid (C) and right coracoid (D) in lateral view; E-G. photos and drawing of right illum in medial (E, F) and lateral (G) views; H. right ischium in lateral view; I. mirrored left pubis in lateral view Abbreviations: acp. acromion process; CO. coracoid; fSC. facet for scapula; gl. glenoid fossa on coracoid; n. notch; PCO. procoracoid; SC. scapula; sf. facet for sacral ribs; ST. sternum; tric. origin of triceps coracoideus; tris. origin of triceps scapularis
Fig. 6 The limb bones of Turfanodon A-C. right humerus of T. bogdaensis in dorsal (A, C) and ventral (B) views, IVPP V31402 (A, B), V31403 (C); D. right humerus of T. jiufengensis in anterior view, V26035; E, F. comparison of right humerus of T. bogdaensis (V31402) (E) and T. jiufengensis (V26035) (F) in distal view; G, H. ulna (G) and radius (H) of T. bogdaensis (V31402) in anterior view; I-K. left (V31402) (I, J) and right (V31403) (K) femur of T. bogdaensis in dorsal (I) and ventral (J, K) views; L, M. tibia (L) and fibula (M) of T. bogdaensis (V31402) in anterior (L) and lateral (M) views; N, O. astragalus (N) and metatarsal (O) of T. bogdaensis (V31402) Abbreviations: dep. deltopectoral crest; ec. ectepicondyle; en. entepicondyle; enf. entepicondylar foramen; fR. facet for radius; if. insertion of iliofemoralis; ld. insertion of latissimus dorsi (teres major); oc. olecranon process; ssc. insertion of subscapularis; sup. supinator (brachioradialis) process; trc. trochanteric crest; uc. ulna condyle
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