古脊椎动物学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (2): 100-199.DOI: 10.19615/j.cnki.1000-3118.191213
记述了产于广东三水盆地华涌组的金龙鱼化石新材料,定为骨舌鱼科金龙鱼属一新种: 三水金龙鱼(Scleropages sanshuiensis sp. nov.)。新种在头部骨骼、尾骨骼、各鳍形状和位置以及具有网状鳞片等方面与中华金龙鱼(S. sinensis)和现生金龙鱼(Scleropages)极为相似,因而归入该属。在金龙鱼属的4个现生种和中华金龙鱼之中,三水金龙鱼和中华金龙鱼更为接近。但是,三水金龙鱼在下列特征上明显不同于中华金龙鱼:鼻骨上有纹饰,第三眶下骨略小于第四眶下骨,鳃盖骨后腹缘的内凹浅,胸鳍往后延伸到腹鳍起点,躯椎上的神经棘不愈合,椎体横突长。三水金龙鱼与现生的金龙鱼也有相似之处,如鼻骨有纹饰、椎体横突长。同样,中华金龙鱼也有与现生金龙鱼相似的地方,如第三眶下骨略大于第四眶下骨、大多数躯椎上的神经棘愈合。尚不清楚三水金龙鱼和中华金龙鱼中哪一个与现生种更接近,这两个化石种可能处于相同的进化水平。中生代骨舌鱼类主要发现于中国,始新世骨舌鱼类化石在中国的发现也在逐渐增多,金龙鱼属(Scleropages)和骨舌鱼属(Osteoglossum)的共同祖先在始新世以前可能生存于东亚,并随后扩散到澳洲和世界其他地方。华涌组的骨舌鱼类和湖北松滋洋溪组的可以直接比较,因此,本项研究支持华涌组的时代为早始新世的观点。
张江永. 广东始新世金龙鱼(Scleropages, Osteoglossomorpha)属一新种. 古脊椎动物学报, 2020, 58(2): 100-199.
ZHANG Jiang-Yong. A new species of Scleropages (Osteoglossidae, Osteoglossomorpha) from the Eocene of Guangdong, China. Vertebrata Palasiatica, 2020, 58(2): 100-199.
Fig. 1 Scleropages sanshuiensis sp. nov. from Sanshui Basin, Guangdong A. holotype (IVPP V 26533.1) in right lateral view; B. a nearly complete fish (V 26534.1) in left lateral view; C. a skeleton missing head (V 26533.5) in left lateral view All scale bars in figures of this paper equal 1 cm
Fig. 2 Skulls of Scleropages sanshuiensis sp. nov., impressions were scanned with a flatbed Epson Scanner and then flipped vertically A.IVPP V 26533.6; B. IVPP V 26533.8
Fig. 3 Sketch of Scleropages sanshuiensis sp. nov., skull as preserved in holotype, right lateral view Abbreviations: an. angular; ant. antorbital; den. dentary; dsph. dermosphenoid; fr. frontal; io1-4. first to fourth infraorbitals; mx. maxilla; na. nasal; op. opercle; pa. parietal; pmx. premaxilla; pop. preopercle; pto. dermopterotic; qu. quadrate; sop. subopercle
Fig. 4 Sketch of Scleropages sanshuiensis sp. nov., skull based on a scanned and flipped photo of IVPP V 26533.6, right lateral view Abbreviations: cl. cleithrum; extr. extrascapular; pfr. pectoral fin ray; rad. radials; other abbreviations see Fig. 3
Fig. 5 Skull bones of Scleropages sanshuiensis sp. nov. and S. sinensis A. opercle of S. sanshuiensis sp. nov. (IVPP V 26533.19A); B. opercle of S. sinensis (V 26536.2.); C. skull bones of S. sanshuiensis sp. nov. (V 26533.19A, impression scanned with a flatbed Epson Scanner and then flipped vertically)
Fig. 6 Sketch of Scleropages sanshuiensis sp. nov., skull bones based on a scanned and flipped photo of IVPP V 26533.19A Abbreviations: ace. anterior ceratohyal; an-art. angulo-articular; br. branchiostegals; cm. coronomeckelian; rar. retroarticular; sym. symplectic; other abbreviations see Fig. 3
Fig. 8 Sketch of Scleropages sanshuiensis sp. nov., caudal skeleton, IVPP V 26534.1 Abbreviations: H1-6. hypurals 1-6; hsPU2. haemal spine on PU2; nsPU1, 2. neural spines on PU1, 2; nsU1. neural spine on U1; phy. parhypural; PU1, 2. preural vertebrae 1, 2; U1, 2. ural centrum 1, 2; un. uroneural
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