


    封面说明:展示了在江西武宁和新疆柯坪地区发现的西域鱼漫游在4.38 亿年前的塔里木-华南联合板块上。西域鱼在江西和新疆两地的同时发现不仅为华南和塔里木两大板块特列奇阶下部海相红层的对比提供了直接的化石证据,而且首次将西域鱼的古地理分布从新疆塔里木板块扩大到华南板块,证明这两大板块在4.38亿年前存在密切的古地理联系。详见本期山显任等人文(p. 245)。(绘图:杨定华)


    Cover image: The cover shows the paleogeographic map of the Tarim and South China blocks at 438 mya, on which two species of Xiyuichthys from Wuning of Jiangxi and Kalpin of Xinjiang respectively are swimming. The finding of Xiyuichthys from Jiangxi and Xinjiang not only provides direct fossil evidence for the correlation of the early Telychian marine red beds between the Tarim and South China blocks but also extends the paleogeographic distribution of Xiyuichthys from the Tarim Block to the South China Block for the first time, corroborating a close relationship between them at 438 mya. See details in the paper of Shan et al. (p. 245) (Illustrated by Yang Dinghua)



  • 发布日期: 2023-10-26  浏览: 652