



    封面说明:博格达吐鲁番兽生态复原图。吐鲁番兽是我国标本数量较多的一类二叠纪的二齿兽类,化石 产出地包括新疆、甘肃以及内蒙古。博格达种是吐鲁番兽的模式种,产自新疆吐鲁番锅底坑组,此前只有头骨材料。本期报道了一 批来自模式产地的新化石,包括了头骨、下颌与头后骨骼,进一步补充了吐鲁番兽的形态学信息。详见本期石雨泰和刘俊文。


    Cover image: Reconstruction of Turfanodon bogdaensis and their living environments. Turfanodon is one Chinese Permian dicynodont genus with abundant specimens from Xinjiang, Gansu, and Nei Mongol. T. bogdaensis is the type species of this genus, but was only know by skulls. Some new specimens, including the cranium, the mandibles and the postcranial bones from the type locality, the Guodikeng Formation of Turpan, Xinjiang, are reported in this issue. They provide further morphological information for Turfanodon. See details in the paper of Shi and Liu.



  • 发布日期: 2024-08-13  浏览: 314